If You Own A Business...


Hey ,

If you're here, you've already experienced what I call "R3".

How do I know?

....Because you ended up here.

I'm going to keep this super simple...

The R3 book is the ultimate "force multiplier", it will amplify every aspect of your business if you apply it.

I mean every aspect.

From your marketing, to your open rates to your closer percentage all the way through retention, referrals and raving fans.

R3 is designed for multiplicative growth, and let me tell you why that's a problem...

The human brain struggles with multiplicative growth.

It craves a linear progression and seeks additive growth.

I have theories as to why this is the case, but they aren't important. What's important is that we stop preventing explosive growth in our business because we're chasing incremental improvements.

If that doesn't jive with you, read no further.

If it does, I've got something for you but let me tell you the bad news right up front

  • The full R3 system is primarily a physical product. While there are digital compliments, there are no digital versions of the book.

  • There are no refund or money back guarantees. You get the book, you keep the book.

  • And, it will not work for business owners that don't actually apply things. (Duh)

So that's the bad news.

The good news is, if you have a business and are willing to implement what I show you inside the book

I Believe You Can Easily
Recoup Your Investment
Many Times Over

The Very First Time You Use It.

And to prove it, here's a small taste of what's inside:

  • A physical copy of the book (there are no digital copies available)

  • Why funnels don't work the way you want them to and how to create reflective resonance or "gravity" to move people toward your products and services.

  • The three questions that will build trust and authority faster than you ever though possible (and a bonus fourth to throw fire on the first three)

  • The "Allegiance Accelerator" process that makes you look like a mind reader. Your prospects and clients will think you know them better than they know themselves.

  • The simple three step process to making all of your emails, videos and communications exponentially more effective.

  • The 4 "Trust Lenses" that makes the same content more attractive to your existing audience.

  • 5 simple "Adoption Decision" framework that will make you the obvious choice over yoru competitors.

  • The email conversion rate secret that gets us over 75% open rates on all of our workflows and sequences.


  • Bonus #1: The Silver Bullet Campaign set up and templates. Want to know the fastest path to turning strangers into clients? The silver bullet. Want to make sales and increase goodwill simultaneously? Try the silver bullet.

  • Bonus #2: The Be Helpful Campaign set up and templates. The simple way to turn what you're already doing into increased cash flow.

  • Bonus #3: The second Chance Campaign set up and templates. Chris Voss calls it "turning zombies into humans", we call it the second change campaign.

  • Bonus #4: The Perspective Campaign set up and templates. Learn how to develop a deeper relationship with your clients than any other brand they are currently dealing with.

And remember what I said at the beginning of this letter?

It was 4 very important words, let me remind you...

"If you apply it"

Of course, everyone thinks they are going to apply whatever they learn...

..but they don't.

Turns out, applying stuff in the real world, while taking "live fire" is a lot different than any of us were taught in "the classroom". It's a different thing, entirely.

I call it...

"Engaging The Field"

...and I believe that the skill of "engaging the field" is the single most powerful skill anyone can learn.

Information will do nothing for you...

The R3 book will do nothing for you...

If you don't have the skill and framework to actively engage the field.

So here's the deal...

I'm throwing in one more bonus.

It might be the most important and valuable bonus you ever get in the mail.

It's a limited edition copy of...

The Engaging The Field


What you get in the Engaging The Field Handbook Bonus...

  • How to increase the ability to get what you want (and our definition of intelligence)

  • The 5 rules and 3 sins of Engaging The Field.

  • The 3 phases to finding your motivation, purpose and reaching your full potential.

  • Bonus #1: Beware Your Own Pack. How to deal with and diffuse nay-sayers and haters.

  • Bonus #2: "Things Move" a practical look at how to take static, classroom knowledge and apply it to the dynamic, real world.

  • Bonus #3: Your personal scorecard. How to grade your progress, in reality.

  • Bonus #4: 4 Powerful "Force Multiplier Prompts" that will improve everything you do every time you decide to use or implement them.

There's a whole lot more crammed into the pages of both books, but you get it.

I could go on and on.

But, here's the deal:

The R3 System is a physical book (there are no digital copies) that cost $247, with free shipping worldwide.

I know that's expensive for a "book".

And, it's not something you should buy on impulse.

Especially since, as I mentioned earlier...

There Are No Refunds.

And All Sales Are Final.

If that frightens or offends you, simply don't buy it.

Otherwise, grab your copy while you still can right here:

See you on the other side


Ps. If you're one of those people that skims straight to the bottom to see the offer, it's simple. You get two of the most powerful books I can offer you and a ridiculous price of $247.

Just click the button to get your copy of both.